Price list

Initial assessment

Assessment, examination and discussion about your skin lesion(s) prior to treatment.

Non-surgical treatments

Non-surgical treatments not requiring stitches (shaves, curette, electrocautery)

One stop op
Save £30

Reduced fee of £320 if you decide to go ahead with a procedure at the same appointment as your initial assessment - saving £30

Simple minor op

Single lesion removal requiring stitches - i.e. cyst or lipoma


Items removed either surgically or non-surgically, which are sent to the pathology lab, will incur a fee of £85 per lesion. This will be discussed with you at your initial assessment appointment.

Coming soon! Thread vein treatment

A very warm, understanding patient-focused professional. In one simple, no-fuss consultation, Dr Heather Lee removed at least 8 tags!  It wasn’t particularly painful, it wasn’t messy, the results were almost instant and, in my case at least, the fee was for the session rather than ‘per problem’. Highly recommended.”

— Mr PB, Hythe

— Quote Source